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IFAW: Currently on the Ground in the Ukraine

Why do we spotlight charities for animals? As 7 billion humans and counting wreak destruction and wage war all over the planet, the innocent and voiceless flora and fauna that share the earth with us are suffering immeasurably. Most charities are for people, but animals and nature are in crisis and need our help also.

I support the International Fund for Animal Welfare and hope you will consider it also.

Here is there current needs info directly from their website:

  • Ukrainian Refugees with Pets : Refugees have their pets/families with them and just want to remain together. We're working to make sure they do. Dogs and cats are often hungry, dehydrated and showing signs of hypothermia. Most need to be processed for further cross-border travel. One example is Shatabdi and her cat Crimsee. With her pet cat tucked in her shirt, Shatabdi walked over 37 miles to Poland with no food or water. We're delivering pet food and supplies daily while working with local organizations and authorities on need-based logistics. As we have done in past disasters, we partnered with World Central Kitchen (WCK) to provide relief to families and their pets.

  • Animal Shelters : In 2014, following the Russian invasion, IFAW partnered with animal shelters in Ukraine. Our most recent communications indicate our partner shelters are operational but have done so at the same tragic cost to life the world is watching unfold across Ukraine. The emergency funding these shelters receive or received from IFAW covers pet food, veterinary supplies and wages for daily care staff.

  • Animal Rescue : You may have seen the news about the lions, tigers, and other animals that we helped care for following their dramatic evacuation from Ukraine to a zoo in Poland. The first evacuation attempt failed, but the second was successful despite initially coming under fire from Russian tanks. We've also helped support relocations for a bear sanctuary and expect to continue animal rescues.

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